This accession is a collection of correspondence, memoranda, technical reports, organizational charts and contractual agreements. All material relates to the Technology and Space Program Development (TSPD) Office and the day-to-day activities of the Earth Observation Program's manager, Dan Schneiderman. The documents are arranged by subject and then chronologically. At the beginning of the collection, there is a transcript of an interview with Dan Schneiderman. Some aspects of his personal background as well as his involvement with several JPL missions such as, Pioneer 3 & 4 and Mariner 2 are discussed in this interview. The correspondence and memoranda are then filed chronologically, with the more general leading to the more specific. Next, documentation on the Topex Mission, the Land Remote Sensing System and other various sub-programs of the Technology and Space Program Development (TSPD) Office are arranged. Lastly, presentations by Dan Schneiderman and other JPL staff members are separated and chronologically filed.